Useful Resources
When I started out this project, I initially envisaged creating my own content to help IB students. However, I quickly realised that there is so much good material out there already, it's mostly a case of knowing where to look. So what I've tried to do is highlight a few of the most useful things that I have come across during my years teaching Physics.

YouTube Videos - Online Lessons
For IB specific videos teaching you the syllabus content, there are two excellent resources which cover the entire IB.
Chris Doner has produced an entire YouTube channel producing IB aligned videos of a very high quality. For purely getting your head around the concepts, this is a great resource. A definite student favourite!
Mitch Campbell (aka Studynova) has produced a similar set of videos that also goes through the IB Physics course in detail.
He offers full access to a set of notes and questions to accompany these videos through the website as a paid subscription - worth it if you find their stuff useful..
... and although not IB-specific, it is also worth pointing out the following useful channels for explaining.
Although not IB-specific, the guys at Khan Academy have an unparalleled bank of videos freely available. Very useful for walking through a topic in stages.
There is a useful topic-by-topic library on their website.
Designed for A Level, though I really like the visual style used in these videos. Clear and well produced and still very useful for those studying the IB.
YouTube Videos - General Physics Interest
Here is a collation of some of my favourite channels to broaden your understanding.
A classroom favourite - Derek Muller.
Enthusiastic and fun approach to Physics
Excellent graphics, big questions.
Animated Physics shorts.
Dry programmer humour, super interesting ideas.
Ex-NASA Engineer turned YouTube superstar.
"... Hey it's me Destin"
Explaining the big ideas
Not all Physics-y, but a great bank of content
One of the most popular science educators out there, for good reason!
Mostly setting fire to stuff in his garden, but good fun!
Written Resources
For written notes and resources, you may find the following helpful.
Nice concise set of notes uploaded by an ex-student.
A set of written resources (from an old syllabus, but still useful). Goes through the entire IB clearly.
I don't have an original source for these, please contact if you do!
I am sure most of you are all here to help you improve for your IB exams. What is really required is as much question practice to allow you to apply all these abstract concepts to different contexts.
Although built for A-Level, the topic-by-topic breakdown structure is very useful for testing yourself on a particular area.

Tiered for difficulty in levels 1-6. Very well designed questions to really try and getting you to think like a Physicist. If you are able to work up to the level 6 questions you are working on university level questions.
Experimental science is great for seeing science in action and applying principles to real world applications. Simulations can be a hugely powerful tool for visualising exactly what is going on.
The gold standard in Physics simulations. Many useful simulations, some even allowing useful measurements to be taken.
Less flashy than PHET, but some really excellent simulations of mechanics and wave principles.
Some excellent simulations of advanced Physics concepts, including wave interference and quantum effects.
A few good resources here, more Mechanics-y. Useful SHM simulations showing the time dependance
Additional Support
There are a few great resources out there, but often
Gradepod is a revision website set up by Sally Weatherly. Lots of good free stuff up there (including a one hour preparation masterclass).